Crush Bag

When we were in 8th or 9th grade, I spent hours decoupaging an old box for my best friend’s birthday. It was covered in cheap acrylic paint that flaked off almost as soon as I put it on and (AND!) pictures of cute boys. The only one I remember for certain was Jeremy Sumpter (the future JD McCoy of Friday Night Lights fame), but I’m pretty sure that was around the time Vanity Fair put out their Young Hollywood issue, so Ron Weasley was probably also involved.

Think of this bag as the grown up version of that crush box.

Side view

Image transfers from a variety of sources, but again, mainly Vanity Fair, cover the lining and give the  a little pop. A little something extra if you will, to brighten any day.

Bag o' hot dudes

Lining, side 1

And if you’re noticing that this collection of crushable dudes is a little… ahem… white-washed, trust me, you are not alone.

Two Bonds

It is remarkably hard to find magazine photos of men of color in proper beef cake poses. Not even beef cake poses, I take that back. It is remarkably hard to find magazine photos of men of color where you can clearly see their face and they’re not wearing some sort of ridiculous costume or make-up. I mean, Star Trek JUST came out, where are the photo spreads of John Cho and his luxurious hair?

Garrett Hedlund and his side-eyes do not approve.

Peek a Boo

The bag itself is liberally adapted from this tutorial from Between the Lines.

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